Well, now that we know what we're having, I guess we can't call her Ziggy anymore. Time to give this little one a name! Wondering what we're going to call her? Click below before you read on to find out:
As the summer draws to a close, we'll welcome the first baby girl Fisher in over 100 years into our family. Justin's was the third generation of all boys, so the responsibility of coming up with a name for our little girl is not one we took lightly.
And the woman was discerning and beautiful..." -- 1 Samuel 25:3
Abigail is from a Hebrew word meaning "a father's joy" or "my father rejoices." Our prayer for little Abby is that she will indeed be the joy and delight of her Heavenly Father, and that she would come to know Him and rejoice in Him as well.
Jean is Christina's middle name, a name choosen by her mother in honor of her grandmother (Abby's great-grandmother!), Helen Gean, whose mother (Abby's great-great-grandmother) chose the name for her three generations ago.
Abby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces now and measures 6 inches, head to bottom (about the length of a small zucchini). Her arms and legs are in the right proportion to each other and the rest of her little body now. As you could see in the video, her bones are hardening and her spine is well developed now. She may even be starting to sprout some hair on her head! This is a crucial time for her sensory development as specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch are forming. And since we now know she's a little girl, we know that she has an astonishing six million eggs in her ovaries already that may be some of our grandchildren one day!
In addition to the joy of finding out what we're having, Christina has had a number of exciting moments this week when she's been able to feel the little flutters that indicate Abby's moving around inside of her. They're few and far between right now, but should become more frequent in the coming weeks. And it will only be a few more weeks until Justin will feel the little thumps as well.
Things continue to go well with Christina's health. The doctor said both mother and baby are doing very well, and everything looks great so far. Abby's heartbeat was strong when we got to hear it on Tuesday--about 140 beats a minute! Please continue to pray for our little girl's development and for us as we prepare to welcome this daughter God has blessed us with into our family.
Thinking pink,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
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