Ziggy's gaining in weight and length this week to be about four inches long (crown to rump) and weighing about 2 1/2 ounces. The air sacs in his lungs are developing as he inhales and exhales the amniotic fluid he's floating in, and he's continuing to work out his joints and limbs by moving his arms and legs. Although his eyelids are fused shut at this point, his eyes are fully developed and can sense light. We're told if we shine a flashlight at Christina's belly, he's likely to move away from the beam (although Christina still isn't aware of any movements yet). Taste buds are forming this week--although there's nothing for him to taste yet!
Now that Ziggy's ears are formed, Justin's enjoying talking to him, telling him jokes and explaining how much we're looking forward to meeting him. Christina continues to do well healthwise and we're so thankful for how smoothly this pregnancy has gone so far.
Christina went for her latest prenatal visit this week and was able to hear Ziggy's heartbeat again--what a thrill! (If you want to know what it was like, go sit in front of your dishwasher next time it's running. That's exactly what listening to a baby's heartbeat through layers of belly and amniotic fluid sounds like.) As she and the doctor listened to the heartbeat (140 beats per minute--strong and healthy!) there was an occasional gurgling noise that indicated Ziggy's activity as he moves around in the womb. The doctor tells us that --just like his ultrasound showed--we've got an active baby that likes to move around. A lot! We're looking forward to finally being able to feel those little movements in a few more weeks.
And speaking of milestones, we've got our calendar marked for April 11. That's when we'll get to go back for our next ultrasound and find out if we're having a daughter or a son. No more waiting and wondering!
Please continue to pray that God would be daily preparing us to care for this little one and to point him to the only One who can love him perfectly.
By faith alone,
Justin, Christina and Ziggy :)
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