With a gain of about a half an inch this week, Ziggy's now measuring 4 1/2 inches long and weighs just over 3 ounces--about the size of an avocado. She's preparing for a tremendous growth spurt in the next three weeks, and by the end of this month she will have doubled in weight and added many inches to her lenghth. Her eyes have moved to the front of her head and her ears are close to their final position. Her lower limbs, which have been about as long as her arms, are much longer and more developed now. Her more advanced body systems are working now, including her circulatory system. Ziggy's tiny heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood each day (by the end of the pregnancy, this will increase to about 190 quarts a day). Her eyes are moving, although still tightly closed, and she's able to detect light.
Justin's mom told us to start paying close attention this week--those little twinges in Christina's belly just might be Ziggy moving. We've done a lot of holding still and haven't been sure we've felt anything yet, but Christina's looking forward to being able to finally feel little Ziggy moving around inside of her soon!
We're counting down the days until we get to find out for sure whether we'll be be decking out the babies room in pink or blue. We go for another ultrasound on April 11 and should be able to find out what Ziggy is at last!
We continue to be blessed by the ease of this pregnancy so far! Thank you so much to all of you who are praying for a safe, healthy and easy nine months for Christina -- your prayers are certainly being answered! Aside from the craving for Starbucks' Java Chip ice cream (which isn't really different from Christina's pre-pregnancy cravings) and the growing bump on her belly, we don't really have much to talk about when people ask how the pregnancy is going. But no news is good news, and we continue to praise God for no morning sickness, minimal aches and pains, and the positive reports at each doctors' visit. Please continue to pray for healthy development for the baby and a healthy rest of the pregnancy for Christina as we near the halfway mark.
Lovin' this little miracle,
Justin, Christina and Ziggy :)