Abby's gained about 2 ounces since last week to weigh in at 10 1/2 ounces now. She's around 6.5 inches long, head to bottom, and about 10 inches head to heel. She continues to practice swallowing, which will help her to develop her digestive system, and may be sucking her thumb in the womb from time to time.
We're halfway there! Twenty weeks marks the official halfway point, and we just can't believe how these past few months have flown by. This week's home project was a total purge of everything that had been stored for the last two years in what will be Abby's room--quite a task! Now it's time to start thinking about paint chips and bedding so we can get this room ready for our little girl.
Christina has gained about 7 pounds so far and we're told she can look forward to packing on about a pound a week from this point on. There are still a few pairs of pre-pregnancy pants she can make work, but for the most part, maternity pants and skirts have become part of her dailly wardrobe.
We've enjoyed getting to hear everyone's reactions to the name we've chosen for our little girl, but are even more excited that we can begin praying for our little one by name now. Please pray with us that God will continue to bless us with an easy pregnancy as we countdown these last 20 weeks and that Abby would continue to develop well and grow strong!
We'll go back for a full anatomy ultrasound next week where they'll be taking a closer look at Abby's skeletal development and organs. Pray that they'll be able to get a clear picture of her (she's been moving around a lot both times we've seen her so far!) in order to properly examine her and make sure everything is developing as it should.
With sugar and spice and everything nice,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
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