We've got a feisty little girl on our hands! She's very particular about any pressure that is placed on Christina's abdomen, usually responding with a kick or rolling away when anyone tries to press in and feel her. She's especially finicky about elbows, and can be counted on to kick back--and hard--if one is rested on Christina's belly. Her awake-when-we're asleep/sleeping-when-we're-awake cycle has changed dramatically in the last week or so. Now she just seems to be awake and active all the time!
Abby continues to primarily make her home on Christina's right side, and seems at times to be trying to scoot up into Christina's right lung. Our little girl is definitely getting cramped in there, and all that stretching and moving around she does helps us get a pretty good idea of just how little space there is for her in Christina's middle. Her little legs seem to be going straight up most of the time, and her kicks are pretty easy to see and feel just below Christina's sternum.
Please continue to pray that all this activity will continue--it's a great reminder that Abby's doing well and growing stronger every day. We can't believe how time has flown, and we know these last 9 weeks will pass in the blink of an eye! Thanks for praying with us for Christina's health and Abby's development--we couldn't do this without you and your prayers!
Waiting anxiously,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
lolz! u r teh hug3!
Wow, compare it to week 10!
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