Great news! Christina went for her glucose and antibody screening this week (pause to brag: she managed to have blood drawn without crying!) and all reports came back good. The glucose screening returned normal, which means Christina's body is not having any problems processing sugar (so no signs of gestational diabetes). She'd like to chalk it up to all the practice she's given her body through the years in processing various candy products. The antibody screening returned negative, which means there are no signs yet of her body creating antibodies that would attack Abby if they have conflicting blood types. (As standard procedure, she'll receive a preventative shot for this anyway at her next appointment.) Praise God for continued health throughout this pregnancy!
On Monday Christina finally got to experience the unusual sensation of having someone hiccup inside her belly. Very strange indeed! This is becoming a regular experience for Abby, although we have no idea what causes it. Each bout of hiccups lasts only a few minutes and feels like, well, hiccups--only much lower.
Abby's little kicks and punches continue to get much stronger, and between the two of us we've at times been able to figure out how she's positioned in the womb. It's amazing how much she can make Christina's belly button stick out when she pokes a little foot up against it! She's very soothed by Justin's voice and will generally calm down whenever he talks to her (which makes getting to sleep much easier for Christina).
We're planning to take advantage of the Memorial Day weekend to start working on Abby's room. There's trim to be hung, walls to be painted and carpets to be cleaned!
Please continue to pray for Abby's healthy development as we wrap up the second trimester. We can't believe how time has flown by, and we know she'll be here in no time. We're so excited to finally meet this precious daughter God's promised us! Pray that we would use these last few months wisely as we prepare our hearts and our home for the awesome responsibility of parenthood.
Firmly in His grip,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)